AskGeo.Base.DataFieldInterface | The various AskGeo maps return results when queried. The results represent a shape in the map. Those shapes have metadata associated with them. Those metadata are enumerated by one or more static instances of classes that implement this interface. This pattern is based on the Java enum, from which those code was ported. |
  AskGeo.Base.AcsField | Enumeration (as public static members) of the metadata fields returned in results from maps that include the US Census Bureau's 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS) |
  AskGeo.Base.CensusField | Enumeration (as static public members) of the metadata fields returned in results from maps that include the US Census Bureau's 2010 Census. In general, fields are counts of people or households. For example, Age25To34 is the number of people between 25 and 34 years old. Fields that are reported as fractions of some larger population include "Percent" |
  AskGeo.Base.NaturalEarthCountryDataField | The static members of this class enumerate the metadata fields available in a NaturalEarthCountryResult instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.TimeZoneDataField | The static members of this class enumerate the metadata fields available in a TimeZoneResult instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsBlockGroupHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsBlockGroupHighResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsBlockGroupHighMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsBlockGroupLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsBlockGroupLowResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsBlockGroupLowMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsCountyHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsCountyHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsCountyHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsCountyLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsCountyLowDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsCountyLowDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsCountySubdivisionHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsCountySubdivisionHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsCountySubdivisionHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsCountySubdivisionLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsCountySubdivisionLowDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsCountySubdivisionLowDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsPlaceHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsPlaceHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsPlaceHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsPlaceLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsPlaceLowDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsPlaceLowDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsStateHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsStateHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsStateHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsStateLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsStateLowDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsStateLowDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsTractHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsTractHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsTractHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsTractLowDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsTractLowDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsTractLowDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Base.UsZctaHighDataField | Enumerates (as static public members) the metadata fields returned with a UsZctaHighDataResult instance from a FindResult call to a UsZctaHighDataMap instance. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.ResultField | The ResultField class enumerates some of the return values that are included in the subclasses of the ResultBase class as return values to a query on a subclass of the GeneralMap class. In particular, it enumerates those pertaining to the query, such as whether the query point was inside the shape, and if not the distance to the shape from the query point. |
  AskGeo.Flt.ResultField | The ResultField class enumerates some of the return values that are included in the subclasses of the ResultBase class as return values to a query on a subclass of the GeneralMap class. In particular, it enumerates those pertaining to the query, such as whether the query point was inside the shape, and if not the distance to the shape from the query point. |
 AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | Provides the primary user-facing interface to the AskGeo Astronomy Library. The user should instantiate a single instance with the desired accuracy level. The library is thread safe, so a single Earth instance may be queried from several threads |
 AskGeo.Base.FieldType | Many of the accessors on the map query result classes return String representations of the fields, even if the underlying data might be better represented by a different type. All fields returned in this manner are enumerated by other classes that implement the DataFieldInterface. That interface includes an accessor that returns the FieldType of the field in question |
 AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit | The various map classes return result classes when queried that contain metadata about the queried shape. The metadata fields that are returned by a given map class are enumerated in one or more enums that implement the DataFieldInterface. That interface includes an accessor that returns the FieldUnit of the field in question. The unit is a logical unit, such as "people", "dollars", and "percent" |
 AskGeo.Flt.GeneralMap< ResultType > | All the map classes in AskGeo derive directly or indirectly from GeneralMap. GeneralMap implements the basic functionality shared among all of the maps |
  AskGeo.Flt.NaturalEarthCountryMap | The CountryMap is a map of the world that returns the country or equivalent for any given latitude and longitude. |
  AskGeo.Flt.TimeZoneMap | The TimeZoneMap is a map of the world that returns the Olson time zone ID for any given latitude and longitude. |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase< ResultType > | This is the abstract base class for all maps that are derived from data from the US Census Bureau. It has no public methods and is abstract. For further details, see GeneralMap, or one of the base classes of this class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsBlockGroupHighMap | The UsBlockGroupHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census block group record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsBlockGroupLowMap | The UsBlockGroupLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census block group record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountyHighMap | The UsCountyHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountyLowMap | The UsCountyLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountySubdivisionHighMap | The UsCountySubdivisionHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county subdivision record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountySubdivisionLowMap | The UsCountySubdivisionLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county subdivision record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsPlaceHighMap | The UsPlaceHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census place record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsPlaceLowMap | The UsPlaceLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census place record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsStateHighMap | The UsStateHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census state record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsStateLowMap | The UsStateLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census state record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsTractHighMap | The UsTractHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census tract record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsTractLowMap | The UsTractLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census tract record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsZctaHighMap | The UsZctaHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census zcta record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsBlockGroupHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsBlockGroupLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountyHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountyLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountySubdivisionHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountySubdivisionLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsPlaceHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsPlaceLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsStateHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsStateLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsTractHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsTractLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsZctaHighResult > | |
 AskGeo.Dbl.GeneralMap< ResultType > | All the map classes in AskGeo derive directly or indirectly from GeneralMap. GeneralMap implements the basic functionality shared among all of the maps |
  AskGeo.Dbl.NaturalEarthCountryMap | The CountryMap is a map of the world that returns the country or equivalent for any given latitude and longitude. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.TimeZoneMap | The TimeZoneMap is a map of the world that returns the Olson time zone ID for any given latitude and longitude. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase< ResultType > | This is the abstract base class for all maps that are derived from data from the US Census Bureau. It has no public methods and is abstract. For further details, see GeneralMap, or one of the base classes of this class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsBlockGroupHighMap | The UsBlockGroupHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census block group record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsBlockGroupLowMap | The UsBlockGroupLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census block group record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountyHighMap | The UsCountyHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountyLowMap | The UsCountyLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountySubdivisionHighMap | The UsCountySubdivisionHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county subdivision record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountySubdivisionLowMap | The UsCountySubdivisionLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census county subdivision record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsPlaceHighMap | The UsPlaceHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census place record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsPlaceLowMap | The UsPlaceLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census place record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsStateHighMap | The UsStateHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census state record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsStateLowMap | The UsStateLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census state record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsTractHighMap | The UsTractHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census tract record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsTractLowMap | The UsTractLowMap is a low-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census tract record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsZctaHighMap | The UsZctaHighMap is a high-resolution map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US census zcta record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsBlockGroupHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsBlockGroupLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountyHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountyLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountySubdivisionHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsCountySubdivisionLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsPlaceHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsPlaceLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsStateHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsStateLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsTractHighResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsTractLowResult > | |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusMapBase-g< UsZctaHighResult > | |
 AskGeo.Flt.GeneralMap-g< NaturalEarthCountryResult > | |
 AskGeo.Dbl.GeneralMap-g< NaturalEarthCountryResult > | |
 AskGeo.Flt.GeneralMap-g< TimeZoneResult > | |
 AskGeo.Dbl.GeneralMap-g< TimeZoneResult > | |
 AskGeo.Flt.PolygonData | Represents the raw polygonal data of a geographic shape on a map. The PolygonData is the only form of geographic data that can be queried from the subclasses of GeneralMap, so if you are wanting to work with the raw shapes, this is the class that you will be interfacing with |
 AskGeo.Dbl.PolygonData | Represents the raw polygonal data of a geographic shape on a map. The PolygonData is the only form of geographic data that can be queried from the subclasses of GeneralMap, so if you are wanting to work with the raw shapes, this is the class that you will be interfacing with |
 AskGeo.Flt.ResultBase | The base class of all result classes. Each subclass of GeneralMap has a companion result class that is itself a subclass of ResultBase. Those result classes are what are returned when a map is queried |
  AskGeo.Flt.NaturalEarthCountryResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the CountryMap class. |
  AskGeo.Flt.TimeZoneResult | Embodies the result of a query on the TimeZoneMap class. |
  AskGeo.Flt.UsCensusResultBase | This is the abstract base class for all map query results returned from maps that are derived from data from the US Census Bureau |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsBlockGroupHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsBlockGroupLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountyHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountyLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountySubdivisionHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsCountySubdivisionLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsPlaceHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsPlaceLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsStateHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsStateLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsTractHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsTractLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Flt.UsZctaHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
 AskGeo.Dbl.ResultBase | The base class of all result classes. Each subclass of GeneralMap has a companion result class that is itself a subclass of ResultBase. Those result classes are what are returned when a map is queried |
  AskGeo.Dbl.NaturalEarthCountryResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the CountryMap class. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.TimeZoneResult | Embodies the result of a query on the TimeZoneMap class. |
  AskGeo.Dbl.UsCensusResultBase | This is the abstract base class for all map query results returned from maps that are derived from data from the US Census Bureau |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsBlockGroupHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsBlockGroupLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountyHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountyLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountySubdivisionHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsCountySubdivisionLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsPlaceHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsPlaceLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsStateHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsStateLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsTractHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsTractLowResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
   AskGeo.Dbl.UsZctaHighResult | Embodies the result of a FindResult query on an instance of the corresponding Map class. |
 AskGeo.Base.TimeZoneNameConverter | Encodes the relationship between Olson time zone IDs and the Microsoft Windows time zone standard names. |
 AskGeo.Astronomy.TopocentricCoordinates | The topocentric coordinates of an astronomical body are expressed in terms of an observer on the surface of the Earth at a given location at a given time. This object includes the azimuth (degrees), zenith (degrees), declination (degrees), right ascension (hours), and distance (astronomical units, AU) |
 AskGeo.Astronomy.ZenithEvent | A ZenithEvent object represents one of several particular and meaningful moments in the course of an astronomical body's passage across the celestial sphere of an observer. These include the rising and setting of the object in addition to a number of other important moments |
 AskGeo.Astronomy.ZenithEventType | Enumerates the event types that mark important moments in the course of astronomical body's passage across the celestial sphere of an observer. |