AskGeo .NET  1.1.0
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AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit Class Reference

The various map classes return result classes when queried that contain metadata about the queried shape. The metadata fields that are returned by a given map class are enumerated in one or more enums that implement the DataFieldInterface. That interface includes an accessor that returns the FieldUnit of the field in question. The unit is a logical unit, such as "people", "dollars", and "percent". More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

FieldType GetFieldType ()
 Returns the FieldType corresponding to this FieldUnit. Most units are represented by the FieldType.FLOAT type, but fields with no unit (such as a code, or a bool variable) are of FieldType.STRING, FieldType.BOOLEAN, or
String GetReadableName ()
 Returns a human readable name for the unit (e.g, "kilometers" or "degrees").

Static Public Attributes

static readonly FieldUnit NoneString = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.StringType)
 Unitless but of type String.
static readonly FieldUnit NoneInteger = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.IntegerType)
 Unitless but of type int.
static readonly FieldUnit NoneBoolean = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.BooleanType)
 Unitless but of type bool.
static readonly FieldUnit People = new FieldUnit("people", FieldType.FloatType)
 A count of the number of people in some category.
static readonly FieldUnit Percent = new FieldUnit("percent", FieldType.FloatType)
 A percentage, as in the percentage of people in a category as a percentage of all people.
static readonly FieldUnit Dollars = new FieldUnit("dollars", FieldType.FloatType)
 US dollars, mostly in 2010 terms.
static readonly FieldUnit MillionDollars = new FieldUnit("million dollars", FieldType.FloatType)
 Millions of US dollars, mostly in 2010 terms.
static readonly FieldUnit HousingUnits = new FieldUnit("housing units", FieldType.FloatType)
 A housing unit is one apartment, house, etc., that contains one household.
static readonly FieldUnit Households = new FieldUnit("households", FieldType.FloatType)
 A household is a group of people living together. Please look up the official US Census definition for more details.
static readonly FieldUnit Years = new FieldUnit("years", FieldType.FloatType)
 Typically this is used to report ages of people.
static readonly FieldUnit Rooms = new FieldUnit("rooms", FieldType.FloatType)
 The number of rooms in a housing unit.
static readonly FieldUnit GiniIndex = new FieldUnit("gini index", FieldType.FloatType)
 The Gini index of income inequality. Look up the wikipedia page on the topic for more details.
static readonly FieldUnit Degrees = new FieldUnit("degrees", FieldType.FloatType)
 Angular degrees, as in the latitude or longitude of a location.
static readonly FieldUnit Milliseconds = new FieldUnit("milliseconds", FieldType.FloatType)
 Milliseconds, in our case describing the offset between UTC and local time for a given time zone.
static readonly FieldUnit Kilometers = new FieldUnit("kilometers", FieldType.FloatType)
 Kilometers of distance, in our case reporting how far from a query point to the shape it was matched with.
static readonly FieldUnit PeoplePerSquareMile = new FieldUnit("people per square mile", FieldType.FloatType)
 Number of people per square mile, as reported by the US Census for various statistical and political areas.
static readonly FieldUnit SquareMiles = new FieldUnit("square miles", FieldType.FloatType)
 Square miles of area, as for example with a state or county.
static readonly FieldUnit SquareMeters = new FieldUnit("square meters", FieldType.FloatType)
 Square meters of area, as for example with a state or county.

Detailed Description

The various map classes return result classes when queried that contain metadata about the queried shape. The metadata fields that are returned by a given map class are enumerated in one or more enums that implement the DataFieldInterface. That interface includes an accessor that returns the FieldUnit of the field in question. The unit is a logical unit, such as "people", "dollars", and "percent".

This class enumerates the units used by the various AskGeo maps. All units are annotated with a human readable name (e.g, "kilometers" or "degrees"), and type (as specified by providing a FieldType e.g., FieldType.STRING or FieldType.FLOAT).

Member Function Documentation

FieldType AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.GetFieldType ( )

Returns the FieldType corresponding to this FieldUnit. Most units are represented by the FieldType.FLOAT type, but fields with no unit (such as a code, or a bool variable) are of FieldType.STRING, FieldType.BOOLEAN, or

the FieldType of a this FieldUnit.
String AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.GetReadableName ( )

Returns a human readable name for the unit (e.g, "kilometers" or "degrees").

a human readable String representation of this FieldUnit.

Member Data Documentation

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Degrees = new FieldUnit("degrees", FieldType.FloatType)

Angular degrees, as in the latitude or longitude of a location.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Dollars = new FieldUnit("dollars", FieldType.FloatType)

US dollars, mostly in 2010 terms.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.GiniIndex = new FieldUnit("gini index", FieldType.FloatType)

The Gini index of income inequality. Look up the wikipedia page on the topic for more details.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Households = new FieldUnit("households", FieldType.FloatType)

A household is a group of people living together. Please look up the official US Census definition for more details.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.HousingUnits = new FieldUnit("housing units", FieldType.FloatType)

A housing unit is one apartment, house, etc., that contains one household.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Kilometers = new FieldUnit("kilometers", FieldType.FloatType)

Kilometers of distance, in our case reporting how far from a query point to the shape it was matched with.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.MillionDollars = new FieldUnit("million dollars", FieldType.FloatType)

Millions of US dollars, mostly in 2010 terms.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Milliseconds = new FieldUnit("milliseconds", FieldType.FloatType)

Milliseconds, in our case describing the offset between UTC and local time for a given time zone.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.NoneBoolean = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.BooleanType)

Unitless but of type bool.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.NoneInteger = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.IntegerType)

Unitless but of type int.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.NoneString = new FieldUnit("n/a", FieldType.StringType)

Unitless but of type String.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.People = new FieldUnit("people", FieldType.FloatType)

A count of the number of people in some category.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.PeoplePerSquareMile = new FieldUnit("people per square mile", FieldType.FloatType)

Number of people per square mile, as reported by the US Census for various statistical and political areas.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Percent = new FieldUnit("percent", FieldType.FloatType)

A percentage, as in the percentage of people in a category as a percentage of all people.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Rooms = new FieldUnit("rooms", FieldType.FloatType)

The number of rooms in a housing unit.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.SquareMeters = new FieldUnit("square meters", FieldType.FloatType)

Square meters of area, as for example with a state or county.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.SquareMiles = new FieldUnit("square miles", FieldType.FloatType)

Square miles of area, as for example with a state or county.

readonly FieldUnit AskGeo.Base.FieldUnit.Years = new FieldUnit("years", FieldType.FloatType)

Typically this is used to report ages of people.

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