AskGeo .NET
AskGeo Libraries for .NET
This is the complete list of members for AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth, including all inherited members.
Authorize(String s) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
Authorize(Stream stream) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
Earth(Stream dataFileStream, Accuracy accuracy) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
GetMoonTopocentricCoordinates(DateTime dateTime, double latDeg, double lonDeg, double heightM, bool includeRefraction) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
GetMoonZenithEvents(DateTime start, DateTime end, long maxTimeErrorMsecs, double latDeg, double lonDeg, double heightM, ZenithEventType[] types) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
GetSunTopocentricCoordinates(DateTime dateTime, double latDeg, double lonDeg, double heightM, bool includeRefraction) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth | |
GetSunZenithEvents(DateTime start, DateTime end, long maxTimeErrorMsecs, double latDeg, double lonDeg, double heightM, ZenithEventType[] types) | AskGeo.Astronomy.Earth |