Interface DataFieldInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
AcsField, CensusField, CountryMap.DataField, ResultField, TimeZoneMap.DataField, UsBlockGroupMap.DataField, UsBlockGroupMap.DataField, UsCountyMap.DataField, UsCountyMap.DataField, UsCountySubdivisionMap.DataField, UsCountySubdivisionMap.DataField, UsPlaceMap.DataField, UsPlaceMap.DataField, UsStateMap.DataField, UsStateMap.DataField, UsTractMap.DataField, UsTractMap.DataField, UsZctaMap.DataField

public interface DataFieldInterface

The various AskGeo maps return results when queried. The results represent a shape in the map. Those shapes have metadata associated with them. Those metadata are enumerated by one or more Java enums, all of which implement this interface.

This interface requires that the enums provide a description and the units for each of the fields. It also echos the already implemented methods ordinal() and name() which are part of the Enum class.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String description()
          Returns a human-readable description of the data field.
 FieldUnit fieldUnit()
          Specifies the FieldUnit of the field.
 java.lang.String name()
          Returns the enum's name, exactly as written in the code.
 int ordinal()
          Returns the ordinal value (i.e., index) of the enumerated value.

Method Detail


FieldUnit fieldUnit()
Specifies the FieldUnit of the field. The FieldUnit is the logical unit of the reported value, such as "people", "dollars", and "percent".

the FieldUnit of the data field.


java.lang.String description()
Returns a human-readable description of the data field.

the description of the data field.


int ordinal()
Returns the ordinal value (i.e., index) of the enumerated value.

the ordinal value of the enumerated value.


java.lang.String name()
Returns the enum's name, exactly as written in the code.

the name of the enum, as written in the code.

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