Class UsCountyMap

  extended by com.askgeo.dbl.base.GeneralMap<ResultType>
      extended by com.askgeo.dbl.base.UsCensusMap<UsCountyResult>
          extended by

public final class UsCountyMap
extends UsCensusMap<UsCountyResult>

The UsCountyMap is a map of the United States based on data from the US Census Bureau that returns a US county (or equivalent) record and related 2010 US Census and 2006-2010 American Community Survey metadata.

Nested Class Summary
static class UsCountyMap.DataField
Method Summary
static UsCountyMap create( dataFileStream)
          Static factory method used to construct an instance of this class.
static UsCountyMap create( dataFileStream, double cellsPerDeg, double snapRadiusKm)
          Static factor method used to construct an instance of this class.
 UsCountyResult findResult(double latDeg, double lonDeg)
          Returns a results map query result.
 java.lang.String getOracleName()
          A unique identifier for this map, used in the license file and in the AskGeo Web API.
static java.lang.String getOracleNameStatic()
          A unique identifier for this map, used in the license file and in the AskGeo Web API.
Methods inherited from class com.askgeo.dbl.base.GeneralMap
authorize, authorize, authorize, conusBbox, getAllResults, getBbox, getDataField, getNumDataFields, worldBbox
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public UsCountyResult findResult(double latDeg,
                                 double lonDeg)
Description copied from class: GeneralMap
Returns a results map query result. All result classes extend ResultBase but the specific subclass returned depends on what map class is being used. Each map class has a companion result class. If no shape is found at or near the query point, null is returned.

Specified by:
findResult in class GeneralMap<UsCountyResult>
latDeg - the latitude of the query point, expressed in degrees.
lonDeg - the longitude of the query point, expressed in degrees.
the result for the given latitude and longitude, or null if none is found.


public static UsCountyMap create( dataFileStream)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Static factory method used to construct an instance of this class.

dataFileStream - an input stream of the companion data file for this class.
a instance of this class with default parameters.
java.lang.Exception - e if the wrong data file is provided.


public static UsCountyMap create( dataFileStream,
                                 double cellsPerDeg,
                                 double snapRadiusKm)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Static factor method used to construct an instance of this class.

dataFileStream - an input stream of the companion data file for this class.
cellsPerDeg - is the resolution of the spatial index. Testing has show that a suitable value for this parameter is 1.0, which is the default value.
snapRadiusKm - is the maximum snap-to distance for query points not inside any shape on the map.
an instance of this class with given parameters.
java.lang.Exception - e if the wrong data file is provided.


public static java.lang.String getOracleNameStatic()
A unique identifier for this map, used in the license file and in the AskGeo Web API.

the unique identifier for this map.


public java.lang.String getOracleName()
Description copied from class: GeneralMap
A unique identifier for this map, used in the license file and in the AskGeo Web API.

Specified by:
getOracleName in class GeneralMap<UsCountyResult>
the unique identifier for this map.

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